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3dnirvana is the creative face of Roshan Kolar, who is a Creative Engineer and an Animator.

BA_Lightdome 1.0.0

LightDome is a standalone application that reads HDRI light probe images and creates a light rig from that image. The idea behind BA_LightDome is to analyse the picture and create only lights if it is necessary. It starts with about 650 light points on the image and reduces them to less than 75.
Then it exports all lights in a script file. You have to load and execute that script file into your 3D Application (At the moment only XSI is supported, but if anyone would like to write a simple script example of his prefered 3d software, I could implement this script language).
It creates area lights with shadow and the bright lights with specularity enabled. After you have loaded it into your 3D application you can fine-tune the intensity, saturation, distance to origin...

Read http://Binaryalchemy.de for instructions and download
