3dnirvana is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox 2.0!! The multi browser program for this blog is under development. Wish you all a very happy navigation.

3dnirvana doesn't take any authority over its content. Viewers are free to comment, review and analyze anything under personal right to freedom.

3dnirvana is the creative face of Roshan Kolar, who is a Creative Engineer and an Animator.

Cyberdelia 4.6

Cyberdelia is a 3D animation tool with w3d, x and wrl file exporter. 'w3d' file can be used on Macromedia Director for Shockwave3D. 'x' file is for DirectX. 'wrl' file is for VRML97. 3D objects can be modeled with 'Metasequoia' that many Japanese 3D designers, for example 'Final Fantasy', use.
