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Indiana Jones Extra Gets Into Hot Water

Indiana Jones Extra Gets Into Hot Water

raidersofthelostark.jpgAn extra working on the set of “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” found himself in hot water after he told revealing secrets about the movie. Tyler Nelson, 24, worked on the highly anticipated new movie recently and was on hand when several scenes featuring Harrison Ford and Cate Blanchett were filmed. Nelson played a Russian soldier who celebrated the capture of Indiana Jones with the members of his troop by performing a traditional Russian dance. What landed the young actor in trouble with the film’s makers was an interview he gave to an Oklahoma

newspaper in which he spoiled several plot details from the movie.

Supposedly when director Steven Spielberg learned that the novice actor had shared what happens in the movie with the press he was reportedly so angry that he threatened to cut all of the scenes feauturing Nelson in the film. Spielberg’s press agent Martin Levy also issued an ominous statement about the future of Nelson’s budding acting career: “Who knows if he’s ever going to work in this town again?”

Among the spoilers that were printed by the newspaper was that Indy and the Russians are looking for a crystal skull said to have mystical powers; that Cate Blanchett’s character is a Russian Army interrogator that tortures Indy to reveal the whereabouts of the skull; and that during the course of the movie the Russians kidnap Indy’s old flame Marion Ravenwood (“Raiders of the Lost Ark” co-star Karen Allen) prompting Indy to develop romantic feelings for her once again. The movie is set for release next May.